Publish date: 30 August 2024

A new garden balcony for patients on the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Warrington Hospital will soon be constructed thanks to a generous donation from Warrington Hospital’s League of Friends. 

The garden balcony will transform the experience of some of the hospital’s most critically unwell patients, by offering patients a much-needed safe and secure outdoor space to have a change of scenery, get some fresh air and spend time away from the unit. 

Currently if a patient is mobile but still in need of ICU treatment they have to take a 10-minute journey off the unit to use external public garden areas in the hospital grounds. For patients who are non-mobile, including those at end of life, there is very little provision for access to outside space. 

The balcony will make it easier for patients to enjoy time outside, with direct access from the ICU thanks to the conversion of two existing windows into doors, with one wide enough to fit a bed through, to provide access for patients and their families. 

Ellis Clarke, ICU Matron, said: “The garden balcony on ICU will be life-changing for those being cared for on the unit. This special area will mean that we can offer patients and their families the opportunity to take time away from the busy unit and the constant noise. 

“It has been a long-held dream for staff on the unit to create this special space for our patients and we can’t thank our hospital charity and League of Friends enough for their incredibly generous donation that will bring our dream to life.”

League of Friends volunteers have always played a big role at Warrington Hospital and wanted to support a project that would leave a lasting legacy for years to come. The group generously donated £140,000 to Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals Charity to help fund the garden balcony work. 

Chris Chambers, Warrington Hospital’s League of Friends, said: “We are so happy to be able to fund this important project. Our main aim is fundraising so that we can supply equipment and other items which can be used to benefit the patients stay in hospital. 

“Hopefully once completed many patients will benefit for many years to come. This project has been made possible because of the generosity of people who donate to the league, so we would like to thank them all for their continued support.”

Helen Higginson, Head of Fundraising at WHH Charity, said: “Thanks to the Warrington Hospital’s League of Friends wonderful donation we are going to be able to make the ICU Team’s dream a reality, for the benefit of our patients and their loved ones.
“On behalf of WHH Charity, I would like to thank our wonderful Warrington Hospital’s League of Friends for their invaluable support over so many years.”

As part of the ongoing project, the family room on the unit will also be refurbished to create a bespoke and calming area to support patients’ families. 

Construction work for the balcony is due to commence later this year, with a scheduled opening in 2025. 

If you or someone you know would like to make a donation to Warrington Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit, please visit our Just Giving page and note that the donation is for the ICU: Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - JustGiving